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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Your Vehicle: 24/7 GPS Tracking Protection

There’s always a first time for everything, and having a 24 hour vehicle protection is not exceptional. The question in today’s Gps tracking devices-reiVRE Hot Pulse is – “what benefits do GPS tracking bring in your car?"

GPS Tracking Protects Your Vehicle: GPS began in the 80's. It was first developed for the military. Now the usefulness of this product is available to the average consumer.


24/7 GPS Tracking Protects Your Vehicle

GPS technology had been used in police vehicles a long time before it became available to the average consumer. These items are meant to allow a stolen police car to be found rather easily by simply using GPS tracking technology to locate the car. Then further police are dispatched to the location to apprehend the criminal and recover the car. The good news is that it is now possible to use the same technology to protect your car.

GPS tracking is not new technology. It began in the 1980s when it was first developed for the military. It was originally meant to help keep track of troops and movements; as well as create a sophisticated mapping system to help commanders find their way over rough and unknown terrain. Today that same technology is so advanced that it is possible to track in real time and create histories of where the device has been. And GPS technology is available to anyone, and at a fairly reasonable price.

When you use GPS tracking in your car, you receive more than just driving directions in an unfamiliar city. You can also know where your car is. While it is nice to have this information to keep tabs on partying teenagers, it can also help you in the event that your car is stolen. When you have a tracking system, and your car is stolen, you are more likely to get it back relatively unharmed. This is because you can find it immediately, rather than having it discovered in pieces weeks later as part of an illegal car parts ring.

Your GPS tracking system can help you get your car back and have the satisfaction of knowing that the person who stole it is off the streets and headed to jail. You can let the police see where your car is (and where it is headed) and this is an immense help to them. One of the best ways to protect your property is to know where it is. And you can always know where your car is when you have it equipped with GPS tracking.


Today’s Credit to - : Sheezaym - For great GPS products and prices visit:

NB: for more valuable information and guideline visit: GPS Tracking Device

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-thank you for reading and comments if any: - ranci endo

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

GPS and Cell Phones : A Sweet Wedding

There’s always a first time for everything, and having Cell Phone with GPS features is not exceptional. The question in today’s Gps tracking devices-reiVRE Hot Pulse is – “what benefits do GPS features add in a Cell Phone?"

GPS and Cell Phones: Today, most cell phones are not just limited to carry on a conversation. GPS features are now being added to the list.

GPS and Cell Phones

GPS (Global Positioning System) was funded, developed and controlled by the US Department of Defense. Since the late seventies, GPS has become an important aid to navigation around the world. It was first designed for the US military, GPS became publicly available years later and it is now considered an important feature in lots of consumer products.

How does GPS work? There are three elements that make everything work: satellites, earth monitoring stations and receivers. GPS provides specially coded satellite signals that can be processed in a GPS receiver, enabling the receiver to compute position, velocity and time.

Today, most cell phones are not just limited to carry on a conversation. Features like mp3 player, digital camera and video camera have all become standards in the latest cell phone models. It is expected that the GPS feature will soon be added to this list, and it will offer the capability of tracking any cell phone user.

The capability of tracking a cell phone user becomes important in emergency situations, like a car accident, thru the use of 911 emergency phone calls, where every minute may be a matter of life or death. In situation like this, the GPS system may pinpoint the exact location of the road accident, enabling emergency services to be quickly dispatched.

It is important to mention that so far most GPS system in cell phone is restricted to tracking information only. However, one can have navigational capability thru the use of full screen cell phone/PDA combos with map displays and other cellular phone accessories, and third party paid services. If one does not want to sign up for a monthly paid subscription service, he can make use of one-time-paid-only software programs that will enable some of the navigational capabilities.

Although there are many benefits in using GPS cell phones, there are some people who are concerned about the violation of personal privacy. Since the US Congress has not authorized location tracking without actual evidence of wrongdoing, there have been court hearings which have not approved the requests of government agencies in obtaining the cell phone GPS tracking information for suspects or ordinary citizens.

This privacy matter has made some progress towards the cell phone users right, since there are some laws that have been passed which guarantees that GPS cell phone users will have some protection from the release of the tracking information, with the exception of 911 emergency cell phone calls. It is expected that these laws will guarantee that the benefits of GPS in cell phones will be enjoyed by everyone without infringing anybody's privacy.

Sometimes when there is a technological innovation, there are also some concerns about privacy or some rights infringements. But no matter how much of a concern this is, it seems that a compromise will always have to be reached, so that new technologies will take their places in everyone's lives. After all, we all live in a globalized consumer world. By the way, have you already got your GPS cell phone?


Today’s Credit to - : Sheezaym - For great GPS products and prices visit: or

NB: for more valuable information and guideline visit: GPS Tracking Device

"You are welcome to give your comment! Do you have anything you'd like to add or challenge about this hot issue? Any bad or good experience lets share. Your contribution will educate and benefit many readers".

-thank you for reading and comments if any: - ranci endo

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Can Anyone Benefit from the Technology GPS Device?

There’s always a first time for everything, and finding out if GPS device is right for you is not exceptional. The question in today’s Gps tracking devices-reiVRE Hot Pulse is – "Can anyone benefit from the technology GPS device?"

Everyone anywhere can benefit from the technology of GPS.


Is GPS Right for You

When you get lost who would rather just drive around town for hours than ask someone for directions? If so, a GPS (Global Positioning System), could be just what you need.

A GPS is an operational navigational system that employs the use of navigational satellites. In other words, it tracks an individual's location or provides direction, all by using an existing satellite system. GPS units are also capable of providing real time reference on earth, or within its orbit.

The satellite navigation system was first implemented and used by the USA's Department of the Defense. Later, the system was adopted for use by foreign countries including Europe (Galileo) and Russia (GLONASS). Today in the United States, any US citizen may use the navigational system, free of charge.

The satellite navigational system is primarily divided into three segments:

* Space: As the name suggests, the space segment works from outer space. It operates through a GPS satellite constellation, located in an Intermediate Circular Orbit.

* Control: The control segment of a satellite navigational system is comprised entirely of control stations that are located on earth. These terrestrial control stations are scattered at locations around the world. These control the flight paths of the various GPS satellites, and synchronize the atomic clocks in the satellite. Ground stations also monitor the uploading of data through the satellite transmissions.

* User: The satellite navigational system is mainly made up of civilian and military GPS receivers.

A GPS is technically comprised of 24 satellites, the minimum number of satellites in a constellation. These satellites orbit around six orbital planes, twice in every twenty-four hour period. Each satellite carries an atomic clock, which continuously transmits precise time to the ground observatories located in the Earth. Additionally, the satellites send electronic messages to the earth. These messages may include data on precise time based upon the onboard satellite clocks, or information on their own orbital systems.

It's not necessary for the user to be equipped with the precise clock, however a good short term clock may be required in order to receive the satellite transmissions best used in determining the exact location on earth. Different satellites employ various sequencing modes, allowing the transmission of messages to be received by the user from satellites using similar frequencies.

The primary GPS system was created to provide control over the military forces in the United States. This allowed for improved command capability, as well as the targeting and manipulation of missiles, smart bombs and other forms of ammunition. The satellites are also able to detect nuclear detonators.

Civilian users can also access the GPS system through their GPS receivers and GPS system software. Many cities in highly urbanized countries have improved the lives of their citizens where access is available to the free worldwide GPS Standard Positioning Service. The transportation sector has greatly benefited from the system, as many planes, ships and cars employ GPS systems for navigation. Hikers, glider pilots, mine truck drivers and everyday travelers enjoy access to the GPS system through low cost GPS receivers, ranging in price from $100 to $200. GPS receivers that are more precise are widely used by land surveyors for measuring land surface area, locating boundaries and surveying markers.

Time code generators also rely on the GPS system to acquire accurate time for precisely recording events in real time. Developers are also working on specially created GPS systems that will help visually impaired individuals.

Another, more trendy use of GPS receivers is the widely popular hobby of Geocaching. Children and adults use hand held GPS receivers to navigate designated sites and locate hidden objects. There are countless Geocaches hidden all over the world, with coordinates available on Geocaching websites.

The GPS system has brought both excitement and simplicity to the lives of countless people, all over the world. Despite the complexity of the system, anyone with a GPS receiver can use the service, free of charge. So now you'll have no excuse for getting lost.


Today’s Credit to - : Sheezaym - For great GPS products and prices visit:

NB: For more valuable information and guideline visit: GPS Tracking Device

"You are welcome to give your comment! Do you have anything you'd like to add or challenge about this hot issue? Any bad or good experience lets share. Your contribution will educate and benefit many readers".

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